You Can Cuddle With Pigs At A Farm In South Carolina And I’m On My Way Now
I am crossing this off my bucket list ASAP.
Guess what? You Can Cuddle With Pigs At A Farm In South Carolina And I’m On My Way Now!
Yes, actual living and breathing adorable pigs need you to cuddle with them, feed them and just make them feel loved and less like a piece of meat.
The Cotton Branch Farm Sanctuary in South Caroline posted an ad on Facebook seeking pig cuddlers.
On the ad, it states you can socialize with the pigs including, “belly scratches, cookies, sitting with, and even just talking to our pig friends can get them ready for their new home.”
Ahhhh I want to feed pigs COOKIES!
And if you’re thinking SAME. Do it. You only live once and it’s for a good cause.
You can head over to the Cotton Branch Farm Sanctuary to sign-up for a volunteer slot. They have several different volunteer positions to choose from including pig cuddling.
I am about to take a road trip to South Carolina to do some pig cuddling. It is too cute and I bet my kids are going to LOVE IT!
And if you want some more cuddling with animals, you can cuddle and swim with Otters in Louisiana. You’re welcome!