You Can Grab A 5-Pound Bag Of Sour Patch Kids On Amazon
There is no hiding THIS bag of Sour Patch Kids in my purse for the movies.

This FIVE-pound bag of Sour Patch kids is the thing that sweet dreams are made of. Sweet and sour dreams!

The roof of my mouth will never be the same, and I’m okay with that!
You could divvy these out into individual snacking bags, or you could just dive into the whole bag. I’m not here to judge.

Whether you’re trying to plan out the perfect prank or the ideal delight, these tasty little confections are chewy treats to be enjoyed when you’re in need of a play-filled break.
You could totally use these for baking! Sour Patch cookies, anyone?

You could drop a hand full in your popcorn. It’s what all the cool kids do — because it’s DELICIOUS!
Of course, you could just grab a hand full, and throw those little guys in your mouth. They are so freaking good!

You could even divide the bag up to share. You can, but I’ll be hoarding them for myself.

They come in the delicious traditional Sour Patch Kids flavors of cherry, orange, blue raspberry, lemon, and lime. Are you OCD like me, and sort them by color? No? That’s just me? How embarrassing.
Get your giant bag of Sour Patch Kids right from Amazon.

While you are there, drop one of these colorful 8-pound bags of cereal marshmallows into your cart. You’re welcome.