The American Academy of Pediatrics Just Released New Mask Guidelines For Kids In School

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The professionals have spoken.

Honestly, I’ve been waiting for this news to happen because I knew it was coming….

The American Academy of Pediatrics Just Released New Mask Guidelines For Kids 2 Years and Older While In School and it entirely makes sense!

As you may know, no child under the age of 12 years of age has been vaccinated against COVID-19 simply because there is not a vaccine readily available for those age groups yet.

With that being said, we are nearing closer to school starting next month and I’ve been wondering what would happen in schools regarding masks and other social distancing guidelines. After all, those protocols helped keep kids healthy this past school year.

Well, according to The AAP, universal masking in school of everyone over the age of 2, regardless of vaccination status — should happen.

When you think about it, it only makes sense.

Masks have been proven to help prevent the spread of illness including COVID-19 so having kids, the ones that cannot be vaccinated, wear masks while in school, it makes sense.

Even kids who are vaccinated because they can still contract COVID-19 and spread it to those unvaccinated.

“There are many children and others who cannot be vaccinated,” Dr. Sara Bode, chair-elect of the AAP Council on School Health Executive Committee, said Monday in a statement. “This is why it’s important to use every tool in our toolkit to safeguard children from COVID-19. Universal masking is one of those tools, and has been proven effective in protecting people against other respiratory diseases, as well. It’s also the most effective strategy to create consistent messages and expectations among students without the added burden of needing to monitor everyone’s vaccination status.”

This all makes sense and as a parent to 3 little ones, I am all for taking advice from the professionals while being able to keep my kids and other kids safe.

You can read the full statement from the AAP here.

So what do you think?

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  1. No, i completely disagree and this should not be commended or followed by any school district. Masks have been proven to do more harm than good for young children. Kids have been shown to be the least of the super spreaders. Also, let’s not forget, whether you are vaccinated or not, you can still contract and spread the virus which has over a 99% survival rate. The kids should not be abused any longer. We must end this nonsense FOR THE SAKE OF OUR CHILDREN!

    1. @Amanda Wilson, I agree, but don’t forget the extra .7% it makes a huge difference. The survivability rate is 99.7% don’t let the thousands of others in the .7 disappear.

      Regarding masks, it depends on the professional. Many who practice medically feel masks don’t help. It’s all about who you listen to. What makes one Dr know more than another Dr in the same discipline?