Apparently, Audiences Hate ‘Thor: Love And Thunder’ And I’m Shook
I was one of the many who flocked to the theater this weekend to see Thor: Love And Thunder.
Anytime I can watch Chris Hemsworth for 2 hours is a good time!!
Turns out, audiences are giving this film a thumbs down. Mmm, Okay?

I have my own opinion about the film, but I’ll hold onto that for just a minute.
According to Rotten Tomatoes, Thor: Love And Thunder got a devastating 68% on the Tomatometer from critics.
That’s a downward slide from all the previous Marvel Cinematic Universe movies.

Thor: Love and Thunder is a dull and boring cinematic adventure that lacks any of the magic or heart of Waititi’s previous MCU outing.
Carson Timar, ButteredPopcorn
A movie significantly more flawed than its franchise predecessor yet more fun than anything we’ve seen in Phase 4 thus far.
Michael Burgin, Paste Magazine
Thor: Love and Thunder is the movie that turns the Marvel Cinematic Universe into a great big joke.
Mike McGranaghan, Aisle Seat

I do find this slightly hilarious, because they gave Thor: Ragnarok — the OG Taika Waititi Thor film — 93% on the Tomatometer.
Thor: Love and Thunder has the exact same kind of silliness and comedic banter that Ragnarok brought to the table.
As for audiences, they liked it slightly more than the critics — giving it an 81% on the Tomatometer — but they still didn’t love it.
Christian Bale was outstanding. But the movie as a whole was ok. Spent too much time trying to be funny. Hated the guy message in the end.
Rushed, too comedic and poor character utilization.
The movie was far too jocular. It tries to get serious at some moments but these moments are overshadowed by the try-hard humor that for the most part wasnt [sic] even funny because of how facetious and childish the humor is.
Here’s what I have to say about the film.
I loved Ragnarok — it is definitely in the top 10 of my favorite films. And, like I’ve already said, this film is pretty similar in style to Ragnarok.
I love Taika Waititi. Chris Hemsworth was absolutely delicious. Christian Bale gave one of his best performances, IMHO. Natalie Portman — well, my daughter is named after her, so. Russell Crowe — who I usually loathe — played an apathetic, pretentious Zeus to perfection.
I mean, you get Thor, a female Thor, a creepy af bad guy, a love story, kids who harness the power of Thor, an appearance by the Guardians of the Galaxy, awesome music, comedy, the return of Mjolnir, and even screaming goats. What’s not to like there?
Sure, there were parts that my husband had to explain to me — you have to be pretty versed in the other Marvel movies — but there was enough there to make it worth my time and money.

I guess you shouldn’t go into this film expecting Iron Man or Captain America.
But, I mean, it’s Taika Waititi. You kind of expect a certain style of film going into it.
Maybe that film style — the comedy and gags — isn’t for everyone, but I LOVED it!