You’ll Soon Be Able To See April’s Pink Full Moon. Here’s How.
It’s that time of the month to grab a blanket and pick the comfiest spot on your porch because this month’s full Moon is coming soon!
And just like April’s showers that bring May’s flowers, this month’s full Moon refers to a certain flower that blooms every spring.

Not to mention it’s the first full moon of the spring season!
What’s named the full Pink moon, also known as the Paschal Moon, this full moon is critical to those who celebrate Easter considering the holiday’s date depends on the date of the Paschal Moon!

The full Pink moon is also named after the springtime wildflower Phlox subulata, which is also commonly referred to as the creeping phlox, moss phlox, and moss pink.
We just wish this moon was as pink as the flower that blooms in spring.

For reference and to paint a picture in your head, the moss phlox is a flower with bright pink petals and is a must see flower especially in bunches!
And rather than pink, you can expect this full moon to instead shine bright with a golden hue!

So when you do sit outside to catch April’s full moon, just remember to snag your hot cup of coffee in your favorite mug to sip on and a blanket tossed around your shoulders just incase it gets cold.
Talk about the picture perfect night.

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, you can expect the full moon to light up the night sky tomorrow, April 5 and can count on peak illumination a bit past midnight, more specifically at 12:37 in the morning Eastern Time.
Here’s hoping for a cloudless sky!