Bath & Body Works Is Having A Sale And It’s The Perfect Way To Say Thank You To Healthcare Workers
Bath & Body Works has their trial size products Buy 2 Get 1 Free right now, and it’s the perfect time to say “Thank You” to your healthcare workers!

I’ve been wracking my brain, trying to come up with a way to tell my local nurses, doctors, and first responders THANK YOU for being out there on the frontlines of this COVID-19 mess.

Then, just like THAT, this Bath & Body Works sale fell into my lap!
Here is what you do
Go to Bath & Body Works, and take full advantage of this Buy 3 Get 1 Free deal.

Once you have a plethora of Bath & Body Works goodies, you go to the store — I went to Walmart — and get party size cellophane bags.

Then, you just drop one item in each cellophane bag, with a thank you note.

I use ribbon to seal mine, but you could totally use the twisty ties that the bags already come with.

EASY PEASY!! Simple gifts for all the healthcare workers in your life, and such a fun way to say THANKS!
If you want to get CRAZY, and you have the money to drop, Bath & Body Works has their full-size products on sale, Buy 3 Get 2 Free!

The problem with this is this : you can place and pay for an order but may not get it and if you do it’ll be a month later. I know. My last order from 3 weeks ago still isn’t here!!