Here’s What The CDC Recommends To Keep With You At All Times
We are slowly starting to open back up in the wake of the coronavirus, and so many people are giddy about getting out of their houses.
Y’all. Just because the world is opening back up, does NOT mean that the virus has disappeared. It is still lingering, just waiting to infect the unsuspecting.
Don’t get all nuts-o. I’m not saying you should be crazy scared of it. I’m saying you should be prepared, and arm yourself in a sensible way with the things that will help you avoid catching the virus and avoid infecting other people.
You should be more vigilant than ever with wearing your masks. With everything opening back up, the crowds are going to be bigger. This means it will be harder to maintain that 6-foot rule.
According to the CDC, there are three things you need to have with you at all times if you choose to out in public: A Face Covering, Tissues, and Hand Sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
We have already talked about face coverings — or masks — but what about the other 2 things? Why do we need to keep those items close?
Well, first, you need to consider how many cases are in your state? Is that number growing? You can see the latest information from the CDC regarding Cases of COVID-19 on their website.
You need to carry tissues with you in case you need to touch anything that you might be uncomfortable to grab barehanded. You can also use the tissue to cough or sneeze into. Make sure, in all these cases, to immediately throw away the tissue, and WASH YOUR HANDS — or at least use sanitizer.
The hand sanitizer is for obvious purposes. It is always better to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more, but the NEXT best thing is using hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol.
These three things — face coverings, tissues, and hand sanitizer — will go along way to help prevention and spread of the coronavirus.
Stay smart and safe out there!