Could This Toy Be Hurting Your Kid?

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Most of the time I try to remain cool here on the site. Write satire, say some funny stuff. Keep things light and breezy, but today I want to talk about something that NOBODY EVER TALKS ABOUT.


Those super duper strength magnets, and how they can rip up the insides of a kid in like… NO TIME, and people don’t realize it. I am not sure why these magnets even exist, and lots of them have been recalled– in fact, they aren’t allowed to put them in children’s toys anymore. But, just the other day I was walking through a souvenir shop when I saw some. Sitting there for any kid to pick up, looking like a jellybean.

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How does this work? Well basically, magnets have that whole magnetic attraction thing going on, right? So, they attract each other at ANY expense. Even if that means ripping through delicate stomach lining to get to each other.

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And even though they aren’t selling kid’s toys with these crazy high powered magnets anymore. they are EVERYWHERE, and kids can get ahold of them, and it isn’t just something that is going to hurt coming out the other end. It’s something that can cause serious injury. Serious.

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  1. There’s a lot of things that can hurt a kid if used incorrectly. Just because a thing is dangerous to an unsupervised toddler does not mean it should not exists.

    1. I think your opinion is totally valid. I also think there are a lot of people out there who don’t realize just how dangerous and serious these magnets can be if swallowed, which is why I am glad people are reading so they know this danger exists. Thank you for taking the time to read today!

  2. Are you saying that these magnets are a hazard if swallowed, but are otherwise fine?
    Your post is a little incoherent. Citations to substantiate your claim? We have a lot of the geometric magnet toys, and we will still pick them up and fiddle with them, so I am concerned.

    1. yes, if they are swallowed, they can cause real harm. I actually wrote this article at the request of a reader because they have a friend with a child in intensive care right now after ingesting the magnets.

  3. I have some in a drawer from my first child who is now 20. I have a young second family never thought about it till I saw this. I will be pitching them.

    1. I actually threw mine out too when I started researching for this article.