Can I just say, for the record…. DAMMIT! It is almost 3:30 in the AM and I am wide afrigginwake! I hate when this happens… tomorrow I will drag all day and I won’t accomplish anything. Speaking of accomplishing things… I have been kickin butt at play groups (who says kickin butt at play groups? I am such a dork…) and I am thinking that now I need to start getting a little more domestic… ugh…. I hate cleaning… but since I don’t have the bank to hire a full time maid… I guess I had better figure it out, huh? I mean… My dishes are usually done, and my house isn’t funky or anything… but I have always secretly wanted to be one of those people with the spotless house… not so much because I want a clean house, but because I think it would be fun to look down my nose at all the people who don’t have a clean house haha! I have totally tried the flylady a few times, but I always screw it up… why the heck don’t systems ever work for me? I mean… I guess you have to actually follow the system for it to work, huh? Oh, heck… I dunno… what I DO KNOW is that I have a lot of laundry that needs to be done! So… maybe tomorrow I will clean out my utility room and then I can do all the damn laundry… yes… that is my official plan for tomorrow…. in between packing orders, going to the post office, feeding and playing with the kid, and sleeping because I stayed up all night I will clean the utility room… exciting, huh?
so Jamie…how’d the utility room go today? 🙂
I am such a house cleaning dork that I have a schedule – no freaking lie. Pretty much amounts to a room a day – but then I actually made myself a list to check off of everyroom. helps me get it all done a little at a time. you can do it! 🙂