Dixie Chicks Released Their First Music Video In 14 Years and I’m So Happy They’re Back
It’s their first new music since 2006. Can you believe it’s been that long?

Gaslighter tells the story of — what else — a man who has done them wrong, cheated, and lied.

Gaslighter is an OLD term — from a movie in 1940, actually — about a man that will do anything to keep a secret from his wife, even make her think she is crazy.

In modern days, however, Gaslighting has taken on a more political twist. There are many people that think President Trump is Gaslighting America — meaning he lies, and says anything to try to make himself look better, and anything to make us think we are crazy.

I would not think it a stretch for the content of the song, Gaslighter, to be politically charged, after “The Incident” of 2003, where Natalie Maines (lead singer) said she was “ashamed the president of the United States (was) from Texas.”
Of course, she was referring to President Bush at that time.

That one political comment damned the Dixie Chicks into immediate obscurity, and caused them to be blacklisted from the Country Music community for YEARS.
This song, however, seems to be more about Maine’s ex-husband, who is an actor in California.

Some of the lyrics to the song, Gaslighter, are “We moved to California, and we followed your dreams,” and “Hollywood welcomed you with open doors; no matter what they gave you, you still wanted more.”

This would lead one to think, it is DEFINITELY about the personal life of Maines, and her split from Adrian Pasdar.
WHATEVER it is about, I’m just so happy they are back! I can’t wait for the full album to be released.

Watch the video to Gaslighter, below.