
Can We Please Talk About The First ‘Loki’ Episode?

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I have been very un-patiently waiting for the new series, Loki, to drop on Disney+. I feel like they took FOREVER.


If you haven’t watched the episode yet, my first question is: why the heck not? There’s going to be some spoilers below so be sure to have watched first!


I had always wanted to know what happened to Loki when he used the Tesseract, but I never imagined some time traveling police squad to be the culprit. I’m still trying to wrap my head around those guys.


But it did give us the chance to see a shirtless Loki…which I’m not at all mad about. And he was up to his usual sarcastic tricks, which I loved.


But for him to see his own death and not be able to do anything about it?! I mean, come on! That was just plain depressing.


And is anyone else finding it VERY hard to take Owen Wilson seriously or is it just me? (woooow)


I don’t really understand what’s happening yet. Apparently he’s going to help out these people that are holding him captive to save the world or something. But does that mean they’re going to end up saving him? Yay for waiting an ENTIRE WEEK wondering what the heck I just watched.


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