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A ‘Harry Potter’ Baking Competition Series Is Coming With The Weasley Twins As Hosts

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As Dumbledore once said, “let the feast, begin!”

This holiday season, the wizard world of Harry Potter is opening their doors to a new bake off series!

Courtesy of Warner Bros.

Thanks to the Food Network, a wicked new baking series inspired by the beloved Harry Potter franchise has been ordered by the television network!

But rather than wands and wizard powers, the best pastry chefs around the world who get to compete will need talent and their best baking utensils to win this baking duel.

Courtesy of Warner Bros.

The spellbinding series will be filmed at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London’s “The Making of Harry Potter” location, which was the same set used to film the Harry Potter movies!

Plus, the show will have the Weasley twins (James and Oliver Phelps) as hosts!

Courtesy of Warner Bros.

Chefs competing in the show will have the chance to fully immerse themselves in the Harry Potter realm, which makes sense if you’re going to make food inspired by the wizard world!

Now when it comes down to the food, competing chefs will be baking desserts inspired by the popular films!

Courtesy of @harrypotter

And for the viewers at home, you can expect to “see beloved locations, including inside The Great Hall at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Platform 9¾, Gringotts Wizarding Bank, The Burrow as well as props, costumes, and clips from the blockbuster films. ‘Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking’ will delight viewers as it blends the magic of Harry Potter with the very real talent of exceptional pastry chefs,” via the show’s description.

Courtesy of @harrypotter

You can watch the new trailer now, down below to see what’s cooking in the upcoming wizard bake off titled Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking!

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