Have a Fit Over the Cuteness of this Unicorn Hot Cocoa
Nope. I won’t hear it! This Unicorn Hot Cocoa is the cutest thing on the planet and no amount of cute puppies and sweet kitties is going to get me to change my mind.

Unicorn Hot Cocoa
No, I don’t have my panties in a wad and NO, I’m not a lunatic.
What I am is in love with how CUTE this is.
I mean LOOOOOK at it.
There’s a horn and eyes and little ears and all that marshmallow.

Because, you know, marshmallows are life, right?
Also, what good is a Unicorn Hot Cocoa without a bajillionty marshmallows?! So, just work with me here–marshmallows.

Now, before I go any further on that tangent, let me share with you how this comes together so magically. We’ll start from the top and work our way down.
See, I found the beautiful red ice cream cones (AKA horn) at the local grocery on my weekly stock-up-run.

The giant pink and white marshmallows are these cute twists (or something like them–I’m not sure since my bag was different).
And then the fun multicolored marshmallows are just your run of the mill grocery store fruity marshmallows.

I got the giant coffee mug on Amazon because everyone needs a mega-coffee cup in their life for situations like these.
And, of course, I just painted some gold paint over some google eyes and marker-ed on some lashes…because I’m a goof that way.

A little strawberry sauce for topping all that, oh and the neon sprinkles for the rim…you know…because sprinkles are life.
Yeah, I know I said that marshmallows were, but are you really going to argue with me on this?!

And then there’s the hot cocoa.
It’s the best.
Because it’s about 40-degrees here (shut up, Minnosotans, I’m a Texan–I can’t handle the cold…but you’d melt in my summer heat) and I can’t get warm.
And that, that right there–the being warm with this giant mug of Unicorn Hot Cocoa? That is the magic.

If you love this recipe for Unicorn Hot Cocoa, be sure to pin it, then get your googley-eyes ready.
And, if you’re totally into this tasty deliciousness, give it a 5-star rating…you know you want to.

Unicorn Hot Cocoa
- ½ cup cocoa powder
- ½ cup sugar
- ½ tspn cinnamon
- ½ tspn vanilla
- 2 cups milk
- 2 cups multi-colored marshmallows
- 8 pink/white marshmallows
- 4 ice cream cones
- 2 tbspn sprinkles
- 4 tbspn corn syrup
- 2 tbspn strawberry syrup like for milk
- Place the cocoa, cinnamon and sugar into a bowl and mix them together completely with a fork. If your cocoa is lumpy, break those up as much as you can with the fork and mix the lumps in.
- Add one tablespoon of milk to the center of the cocoa mixture. With the fork, mix it in, making a paste of cocoa.
- Making a paste every time until it’s fully diluted, add the milk by tablespoon increments.
- Add the remaining milk and vanilla and mix thoroughly.
- Place in the microwave in a microwave-safe bowl for 3 minutes.
- While that is heating, place the corn syrup in a saucer or bowl bigger than the mouth of your mug.
- Place the sprinkles in a similar bowl.
- Dip the mouth of the mugs into the corn syrup, then into the sprinkles to rim the edges well.
- When the hot cocoa is done in the microwave, remove it carefully and pour half in each mug.
- Top with ice cream cone, 2 pink/white marshmallows on either side of the ice cream cone and more marshmallows.
- Drizzle strawberry syrup over the top and serve!