You Can Get A Battery Operated Heated Seat Cushion For The Person Who Is Always Cold
I am, legit, super-excited about this find! There is a freaking HEATED seat cushion, so I can endure enjoy those fall football games without freezing my butt off — literally.

Amazon is selling this HEATED stadium seat by Chaheati MAXX, and I’m going to need two. I’m not sure why I need two. I am just THAT excited about this seat!

It is battery operated, BUT it comes with a RECHARGEABLE battery AND its charger! No need to go out and buy a ton of batteries.

You can also attach this shoulder strap, so it is totally easy to transport. This Toasty Tooshie Cushion can just be slung over your shoulder like the best purse you’ve ever owned!

Check out this little compartment up by the handle that stores the battery. Super convenient and super simple!

The reviews on this Tooshie Cushion are awesome — I had no doubt! It gets a 4.5 out of 5 stars, with NO 1 or 2 stars! That’s pretty amazing!

It is cordless, lightweight and portable so you can take it anywhere. The rechargeable heating system has single temperature setting and provides up to six hours of heat. Now there’s no reason to pack it in early when the weather turns cool outside.
Via Amazon

This cushion costs right at $61, and it is MORE than worth it. Don’t you HATE to sit on those COLD bleacher seats? My teeth always end up chattering, and I am always frozen down to the bone. NOT ANYMORE!

It will also be perfect for using at your office so you don’t totally freeze. I mean, women perform better when they aren’t cold.
If you like this heated stadium seat, you are TOTALLY going to love these HEATED PANTS, HEATED SOCKS, and HEATED UNDERWEAR. Yes, I said heated underwear! You have to check it out!