
I don’t pick my battles, sometimes she actually wins.

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So maybe I am crazy, but I am all about teaching my kid to argue. I don’t pick my battles, sometimes she actually wins. Being able to effectively argue your point is a life skill I think we sometimes forget to share with our children, because–hey who wants to be outwitted by a three year old?

I don't pick my battles sometimes she actually wins Feature

Well, I do.

Wait, before you think I’m insane–let me explain! I don’t want her to stomp her foot and whine to get her way. I want her to logically explain to me why she should get to swim in her underwear instead of having to go inside to put on her swimsuit. If her argument is good enough, then she gets to swim in her underwear.

Why would I do this?

I don't pick my battles sometimes she actually wins PIN

Because it makes her think, and that’s something all kids should know how to do!

I’m not there on the playground when she has to decide if the best decision is to hit a kid, or to convince them to give her the ball. Hopefully the argumentative skills she’s learned at home teach her to get that ball without being aggressive. And, I’ve been watching her with her friends lately–she’s becoming less of a tattle tale and more of a problem solver, so I think it’s working!

I just can’t stand the thought of her not being creative–even when it comes to getting her way…creativity is what, in my mind, helps a child be successful in life, in, well, everything…

If you’d like, you can ABSOLUTELY join me on this journey of creating creative kiddos…I promise it’s totally worth it.

I don't pick my battles sometimes she actually wins SQ

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  1. I absolutely agree that kids need to know how to express themselves. I am fighting an uphill battle with my stepkids, but I think I might be winning!

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  2. Just stopping by to say hello and welcome to the SITS community!

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  3. I think it is a brilliant strategy!
    Hey, I cannot for the life of me get your feed into my google reader. Any tips? I have over 400 sites in there and yours in the only one I’ve ever had this kind of trouble with.

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  4. I agree! I would love my 3-year-old to use some logic in her arguments. The question is, how do I go about doing that???

    I came by to welcome you to SITS! We’re happy to have you with us!

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