Jan Broberg Says A Part In ‘Abducted In Plain Sight’ Was Incorrect
If you haven’t seen Abducted In Plain Sight you should first know that it is INSANE and we’ve totally covered most of it for you here.

Now, if have seen the show (or just caught up) you know that the show is disturbing in every single way.
Basically, these parents allowed a predator to groom them and their daughter.

Since the airing, people are heading online to express their anger and confusion on how any parent could ALLOW this to happen to their child.
Over and over again, people are OUTRAGED.
So much, Jan has had to defend her parents online posting things like this on Twitter:
One of the biggest scenes in question is when Robert Berchtold tells the family he needs to lay next to children as part of “therapy”.
“I have these tapes I was given by this psychiatrist. I’m supposed to lay by a child who was the same age as I was when I was abused as a kid. And then I lay by the child and I listen to these tapes, and it’s supposed to help me overcome the trauma that I went through in my childhood.’”
And yeah, her parents allowed him to do it.

WTF? Was the first thing that popped into my mind.
But that is where Jan Broberg Says ‘Abducted In Plain Sight Was Incorrect.
Jan told Entertainment Tonight:
“That is one part of the documentary that I want to be changed because he did not sleep inside of my bed. He laid on the top of my bed just like Mom, Dad, or anybody else when I’m nine, 10, or 11, reading a story, tickling backs, you fall asleep.”

And while I appreciate her wanting to get the truth out, I still don’t think this changes much.
He still LAID by her. And the bottom line – it was wrong.
His intentions were not pure or honest.

I guess I just don’t understand what Jan is thinking, like does she think it is more innocent than what everyone thought before?
It still makes me scratch my head.

All I can say, is Jan is amazing and brave woman and I surely hope she is doing okay after all these years!