
Johnny Depp Was Asked What He Thought of Amber Heard’s Claims and Here’s What He Had to Say

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Johnny Depp took the stand again today and people are loving his testimony.

Towards the end of his testimony, he is asked one question:

He was asked how he felt about Amber Heard’s testimony.

Johnny took a long pause to think his answer through and answers saying:


After a brief pause, he continues:

It’s insane to hear heinous accusations of violence, sexual violence that she’s attributed to me, that she’s accused me of. Um, I don’t think anyone enjoys having to uh – split themselves open and tell the truth. But um, there’s times when you simply have to because it’s gotten out of control.

He continued:

Horrible. Ridiculous. Humility. Ludacris. Painful. Savage. Unimaginably brutal, cruel, um. And all false.

He finishes by saying:

I wanted – no human being is perfect. None of us but I have never in my life committed sexual battery, physical abuse, all these outlandish, outrageous stories of me committing these things and living with it for years and waiting to be able to bring the truth out. So this is not easy for any of us, I know that but no matter what happens, I did get here and I did tell the truth and I have spoken up for what I’ve been carrying on my back reluctantly for 6 years.

Wow – that was so powerful and something I bet was a huge relief for Johnny to be able to say.

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