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Kanye Says The IRS Put A $75 Million Hold On His Bank Accounts Because He Owes Them Money

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Another day, another bout of Ye drama to hit the gossip circuit.

Now, Kanye is under fire by the IRS.

According to Kanye, the IRS put a $75 million hold on his accounts, because he owes them a bit of money.

Ye recently appeared on the Timecast IRL podcast, and talked to the hosts about his rocky financial situation.

He told host, Tim Pool, that his financial people told him that he was going to have to pay a lot of taxes.

OK, so they froze, they put a $75 million hold on four of my accounts. And then they said you owe a lot of taxes. Took me, like, six hours to find out how much ‘a lot’ was. They said, well, around $50 million.

Kanye West — “Ye”

Like, how does that even happen?!? I can’t even fathom that amount of money!

Ye said that he was “obviously not the most financially literate person on the planet.”

He had gone to the different CFOs involved in his multiple businesses, and asked them if not paying taxes would be considered tax evasion.

I mean, seems pretty straightforward to me, but what do I know?

So now I’m having — I get to actually learn how to run a company. I get to learn how to, you know, to count, really. — It’s like I didn’t even know where to put the money.

Kanye West — “Ye”

Is he taking ownership for the tax issue?

No. He is blaming it on God.

Ye said that God was “breaking [him] down” by “removing” his riches.

But, not to worry. According to Ye, his children will be just fine with his financial situation.

Why? His “baby mama,” Kim Kardashian, has money.


In other Kanye news, he also says that he is running for president again.

Bring on the circus show!!

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