You Can Get A Kirby Fan That Blows Air Out To Keep You Cool For The Person Who Loves Super Mario
So, I’m not a gamer and I had to look up this little guy! He’s cute, but I had no idea who he was, but I may be one of the only people in the world that doesn’t know.
This is Kirby and he is one of Nintendo’s most famous and familiar icons and you can get him in the form of a Kirby fan!

The mini fan is created in the likeness of Kirby and will surely be a favorite fan for Kirby fans!
Everything I have read says he is one of the most popular video game characters of all time and I feel old. I thought we were still about Mario and Donkey Kong. Little Kirby has been around since 1992 when “Kirby’s Dream Land” came out.

He is the perfect size to use at your desk since it is 6.3 inches tall. The opening for the fan air to blow through is 4.1 inches. It’s also powered by a USB, so you can plug it right into your computer.

The blades do not have a front guard, so this is probably best for adult fans.
You’ll need to keep this away from where little hands could reach it. Look, I dunno who this little guy is, but I think he is adorable and would love to have him hanging out by my laptop while I work.
The Kirby fan is made by SK Japan and you can get your own Kirby Fan on Amazon! It will run you around $40 with free shipping for prime members.