This Lady Got Crafty With Her Dog’s Cone And It’s Hilarious!
When you have pets, surgical procedures are always stressful. They can’t tell you how they feel and they definitely don’t understand the restrictions, like no licking!

This is where the cone comes in. My service dog has to get spayed this year and I am not looking forward to it.

Since she is a giant, I am going with a surgical suit instead of a cone to avoid the wreckage that could come from a giant cone.

A Golden Retriever named Finn, whom is obviously super chill, got neutered last year. During his cone time, his owner got super crafty with his cone.

Finn needed to wear a cone for 14 days while his surgical incision healed up. Each day his owner gave the cone a new crafty look and photographed him daily.

This is definitely for the first year puppy book!
I thought it would be a funny way to get through the long two weeks of him having to wear an ugly cone. I’m trying to stock his first year puppy book with lots of funny memories. I also just love art/being crafty in any form.
Jenn Frates told the dodo

He quickly became an internet sensation and people looked forward to seeing his new daily cone decor. Some of her designs were super elaborate too!

She found some of her ideas on Pinterest and was able to come up with something new each day.

The cone photo shoots were fun for Finn because he knows he gets a lot of treats for sitting like a good boy when his mom pulls out the camera.

Jenn shared the images of Finn online and it was just one of those things that made people smile. Things have been rough for so many, so these silly cone pictures made a lot of people smile.

Finn’s a good boy! Check out the rest of the images below!