Matthew McConaughey Shows Us How To Make A Face Mask Using A Coffee Filter
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Matthew McConaughey shows us how to make a mask, Bandito style, and it’s EPIC, in pure McConaughey style.

Well Alright, Alright, Alright.

We have all been told that we need to be wearing a face covering when we go out in public.

We have seen about 100 different ways to make a mask.
There are the no-sew face masks.
There are the masks that require a sewing machine — which I will NOT be making.
BUT, my favorite tutorial comes from Bobby Bandito — er, Matthew McConaughey.

It’s just a simple, no-sew face mask with a coffee filter in the middle, but he somehow makes it cool.

Watch below, as Matthew McConaughey makes a coffee-filter face mask, and then wear it like the coolest Bandito on the planet.