
These Lights Make Your Trees Look Like A Meteor Shower So You Can Wish Upon A Star Every Night

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I still have yet to see a meteor shower. I have witnessed a few single shooting stars, but never anything such as a continuous loop of stars passing through the sky.

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Rumor has it that you’re supposed to wish upon a star, but every time I see a meteor, I remind myself after it’s passed to make a wish, figures right.

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Amazon is selling falling rain lights and frankly, I need them. You guys know that I love a starry night and with these lights, I’ll be able to create my own meteor shower with just a simple plug-in as much as I please.

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Each lightbulb illuminates at a different time, creating a meteor shower effect or as the description suggests, falling snow in the night sky. I didn’t even think of that possibility!

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The string of lights come in four different colors, ranging from white, blue, purple and multi-colored; if you’re asking me, I prefer the blue color.

The blue string lights will create a softer glow rather than the white and against the night sky, the color will create a realistic starry night.

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The manufacturer also notes that if your lights are not turning on, check the female and male connectors to make sure they are connected correctly.

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You can purchase your own set of falling rain lights for 14 dollars, which is a great price considering you can make a wish every night if you really want too.

Courtesy of Amazon

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