Netflix Win’s The Award For The Best Twitter Thread of The Year
Netflix win’s the award for the best Twitter thread of 2019…

Yesterday, Netflix posted on Twitter saying:
“What’s something you can say during sex but also when you manage a brand twitter account?”
And the thread has already received over 21,000 retweets and replies. Honestly, the answers did not disappoint…

People starting replying with the funniest answers like:
And even better, other major retailers and brands got in on the fun like Best Buy and LG…
And it gets better… even Animal Planet got in on the fun. LOL.
And shout out to Deep Eddy Vodka…
I am seriously dying in laughter reading all of these!!
If the only thing you do today is read through this thread, do it.
I don’t know about you but I love this. I love seeing brands step out of the norm and professionalism in order to provide fun and laughter. Kudos Netflix, Kudos.