People Are Trolling Peloton After The Major Death on The Sex and The City Reboot and I’m Dying Laughing
Grab the popcorn because this is something worth watching…

So, by now, you’ve heard of THAT major death on the Sex and The City reboot, right? I mean, everyone is talking about it…

Yes, Mr. Big kicked the bucket and if that death in the first episode wasn’t shocking enough, it was the way he went out.

Mr. Big kicked the bucket using his Peloton bike and having a heart attack!
Because of that, fans everywhere are blaming Peloton for his death (yes, even though it’s fictional) and it has caused so much upset, Peloton’s stock has dropped! YIKES!
Now of course, I saw an ad pop up in the Facebook newsfeed for a Peloton bike and I just knew the comment section would be good. People were saying things like…

Bahahah I just can’t, these are too good…

“You’re the new crockpot Peloton” <— Remember that crazy fiasco after the This Is Us Death?!

The internet is having NONE of this ad from Peloton. And the comments truly don’t disappoint…

You can continue reading all the comments below. You are in for a good laugh!