Pixar Just Released ‘Kitbull’ About An Abused Dog and A Stray Cat That Become Best Friends
Look, I am one of those people who gets emotional when it comes to Pixar shorts, k?
They get me every time.
I mean, I still can’t watch the end of Lava when “I lava you” happens without being in a big pool of tears.
Well, the newest short, ‘Kitbull’ is no exception.
Watch: Frozen 2’s First Official Trailer Is Here
It’s about a stray cat and a pit bull who become the very best of friends.
In the cutest of ways.
Look at how adorable they are. I just can’t with this. It’s TOO CUTE.
They start out a little scared of each other, until one day the cat needs a little rescuing.
Poor little kitten.
Everything about this tugs right at your heart strings.
From the environmental messages to the big kitten eyes.
‘Kitbull’ is classic Pixar. What they know to do SO WELL.
And I am in love.
I mean, you can’t deny it’s perfection.
Oh, and if you want to see how they made ‘Kitbull’? Here you go.
Are you okay? I don’t know if I am. I might need a minute.
Sigh, let’s watch more Pixar shorts to make ourselves feel better.
That one stresses me out a little though because of the dumplings. And the eating of said dumplings.
Now that’s a classic.
Hope you’re happy! Now I need a minute. Kitbull is a heart string tugger. Love it. Thanks,
SAME! It rocked my world!