Soccer Players Stopped The Game to Huddle Around Opponent As She Fixed Her Hijab
In Jordan, girls like to play soccer like anywhere else in the world but what happened a recent game, is going to make you want a box of tissues near by.
Seriously, grab the tissues…
At one recent soccer match, true love for simple humanity was shown to one of the girls.
One of the players chose to wear a traditional headscarf, a hijab, as she was playing the game. The hijab accidentally came undone during the match.
Players from the OPPOSING team immediately started to form a shielding circle around this lady.
This gave her time to adjust and resecure her hijab, without the world seeing what had happened.
The responses came pouring into Twitter, as people witnessed the act of kindness that was shown the player.
People were touched by this small act of solidarity shown on the field.
People agreed that the world needs more of this kindness.
That the OPPOSING team was willing to step up and help the player was indeed a touching site.
Perhaps we could all take a lesson from these players.
Beutiful moment, indeed, @mulligan1950.
Watch the footage below.