Steve From Blue’s Clues Just Joined TikTok And My Life Is Now Complete
I can’t believe it! Steve from Blue’s Clues is on a roll this year with tugging on our heartstrings!

After his heartfelt video about not forgetting us and apologizing for leaving us so abruptly, my year was already MADE. But now, I just saw his face on TIKTOK!
Under the username of @hioutthereitsmesteve, Steve has officially joined the TikTok world, and I don’t think I have ever clicked a follow button so fast!
The video was short and sweet, with Steven basically letting us know he has joined the TikTok world and has no clue how to use it (maybe Blue can help him!), but with it only being up a few hours, he already has 20k followers!
I highly expect that number to change drastically overnight as we all await the wise words of our beloved Steve, who can hopefully give us some clues as to how we can handle life the way it is right now.

Thank you for joining us Steve. My abandonment issues are a little better…