
Storysaurus in the Wild, and Other Happenings

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I’m sort of pre-occupied with editing right now, so amazingly inspiring blog posts of awesome aren’t really coming to me this week. But, here are a few things I’ve been up to:

  • Storysaurus was hard at work this weekend for Cheryl’s manuscript. I’m not going to lie though… I’m a little scared that her storysaurus is going to eat my storysaurus:

I’d love to see what you’ve done with him. Send pics or scans of you wearing the storysaurus shirt or using storysaurus to plot your novel to mail@totallythebomb.com.

  • I recently took some life lemons and made amazing lemonade. Only problem is I can’t share the refreshing goodness with you yet. It’s one of those things where, because I can’t talk about it–it’s the only thing on the planet I want to talk about. (No, I haven’t sold my book yet– When I do, I won’t be able to contain myself, I’m sure of it.)
  • Sometimes I read a lot, and sometimes I write a lot. It just depends on where I am in my books. I am really impressed with people who force themselves to write for a specific amount of time each day and then stick with it. Some day I hope to be like that–but I doubt that day will ever come.
  • Chevrolet invited me to the races at Texas Motor Speedway this weekend (super cool racing post coming at you soon), and I ran into a guy from high school who had a raging crush on me (Seriously, that’s what his note said that he passed me while I was working my job as a checker at the grocery store). I was totally freaked out, because he looked exactly the same, and I’m fairly sure I’ve aged in a most ungraceful way. I’m a little worried that he’s going to tell everyone back home about how I look like a frumpy ‘ol grandma or something. I don’t even think he lives ‘back home’ or anything, but in my mind he’s all over facebook right now making fun of me even though he was perfectly nice this weekend.
  • My favorite local coffee shop started closing at 11 instead of midnight. I need to somehow launch a movement to get them more business. Any ideas?

Well, that’s all for this murky, yechy, rainy Monday.

What have you guys been up to?

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  1. Storysaurus strikes again! And this time with some very sharp and pointy parts. I’d love to be able to read a story after reviewing the storysaurus. That would be an interesting exercise…
    .-= Chantal Kirkland´s last blog ..The Writing Puzzle REVEALED! =-.

  2. Ah! I love storysaurus. If I get published off of a storysaurus outline, I’m thanking you both in the acknowledgments!
    .-= Olleymae´s last blog ..How to be a good reviser =-.

  3. Jamie,
    Like you, when I’m on a roll writing I can’t stop. No matter what.
    And when I’m on a roll reading I can’t stop either. I read Fire, second to Hunger Games this past weekend and didn’t leave the book till I got to the end. Could not write a word. Now I regret it, but it’s already Mondany and I’ve got an evil day job.

    My storysaurus is kind of plain yet. Need to work on some climaxes and stakes to make it a bit more sharpie. 🙂
    .-= Anna Serra i Vidal´s last blog ..Second draft =-.

  4. Re: Coffee House

    My faith sharing group was meeting there in the early a.m. but had to leave because they were no longer reliably opening at the same time. So, perhaps you could talk to management about being reliable. We are now meeting at a coffee shop that is way closer to my house and cheaper too! But they are not open late, so that does not help you. Good luck!
    .-= nicole´s last blog ..Sinking In =-.

    1. @nicole, I think they are having to close early because of $$. So sad, I hope they don’t close. I LOVE this place!

  5. Jamie, While I’m waiting on some feedback from beta readers, I’m toying around with a new story idea. Hopefully I’ll be able to make some lemonade with it. We’ll see.
    .-= Paul´s last blog ..Getting Your Hands Dirty =-.

    1. @Paul, I LOVE stories in that stage, because they can be ANYTHING… they can go anywhere, and they are always the best story ever written. 🙂

      Good Luck!