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Stupid Twi-Clone Syndrome!

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twilightcloneSo, I am reading a friend’s book, and she has a love triangle in the plot. What’s the first thing I say to her?

Oh be careful with that you don’t want to be a twilight clone.

Damn you Meyer! She wrote her triangle in such a pivotal way that the rest of us are scared to have them in our books for fear of being accused of being a twilight clone. This sucks, because love is such a huge part of young adult novels. It’s what girls are thinking about in high school. Heck it’s what girls are thinking about pretty much from the time they get boobs until they walk down the aisle.

Hey, I’m just keeping it real here folks.

So, here’s my question… how can we tell a love story–include a love triangle and epic love– and NOT be accused of being the next Meyer clone. What makes it work? What makes our stories special and different?

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  1. I made my triangle into a square! It works great and ends any comparisons to Twilight (besides the fact that there are no vampires or werewolves!)

    MeganRebekah’s last blog post..Baby stuff

  2. ah… wrote my comment but my bad connection lost it! forgot what i wrote here..

    hate when it happened!

  3. or even after – when the marriage isn’t working! LOL! But yeah, you’re right, it’s hard when there’s a little semblance, but time has proven that if you add a tad different twist to a plot, people will see it differently and might just like it 🙂 Best of luck to your friend.

    Visiting via Sits,

  4. I agree with the rest.. the love triangle existed way before twilight. SO i guess as long as you’re making your characters special and unique, you’ll be good.

    Coming here from SITS!
    Happy Monday!

  5. I loved Twilight, don’t get me wrong, but she didn’t invent the concept. There will always be someone who isn’t too well read that will hold Meyer as the gold standard, but then there will be many more others who know that love triangles existed long before Bella, Edward and Jacob! Good luck!

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  6. Just write it…..don’t worry about being compared to Twilight. There were love triangles / love stories long before Twilight….and it didn’t stop Meyer. Don’t let such thoughts stop you.
    Be true to your story…..from your heart / gut; people will follow.

    Have a beautiful day.

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  7. Well, SM certainly lifted her ideas from other books (despite her assertions otherwise). I think it is very possible to write a love triangle story and not have it be comparative.

  8. Well, Stephanie showed us herself that storylines are all the same at the bones of the story. She used Romeo and Juliet as a basis for the twilight story and I believe she used Wuthering Heights in book 2 or 3.

    She didn’t even try to hide it, and made it part of her book and what Bella was reading.

    I think you need your own flavor to the love triangle. The characters have to be strong, ALL of them, otherwise the audience won’t care who ends up with who. And that is where the tension lies, and that is where you will get readers AND editors AND agents willing to overlook similarities to other storylines.

    Anyway, you can be a clone, as every book is, really. As long as the overall plot and characters aren’t TOO similar, and you have a solid, vivid world the characters are living in, you’re good to go.

    Easier said, than done, of course.

  9. I really thought the Meyer books were less than sensational. So, I say go for your own ideas and don’t be afraid of being compared to her.
    Dropped by from SITS

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  11. The personality of it. You could still write a love triangle and have it come out not even close to Twilight. People need to open there minds past this series!

    You write your book however you want to.

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