How in the Hell Do You Plan a Vacation?

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Creative Commons License photo credit: loop_ohMy husband and I have been on many trips, and we’ve done a couple of hotel out of town things with Hal, but we’ve never actually taken her on a real Vacation. But, my parents live in Florida now for three weeks out of every month, and we want to go and see where they are living!

I’m still a bit of a Daddy’s girl… and I’m not going to lie that I totally miss him.

But–how the hell do you do this? Do I need to schedule events and stuff for us to do? I mean–we can’t just sit around in the hotel room all day. But I also don’t want to ram pack our days full of crap either? How do I make the trip fun and worth the cost and so that it’s still a vacation? UGH!

I am at a total loss, and is there even anything cool to actually do in Miami that we can’t do in Dallas, anyway?

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  1. Miami Zoo is a must see! It’s fabulous. May I suggest, rent the bike thing it’s like a trike, and the kids can sit comfortably. Walking is just too much, even for the adults. Also, the Keys. Not Key West, that’s a little much for little ones, but Isla Maroda (I know I’m spelling that wrong) has great family stuff. The Dolphin Research Center, I think it’s – it’s where Flipper was filmed and where he lived, not outrageously priced like Sea World and actually very interesting and fun. There’s also the Florida Natural History museum. We live in Ocala, which is about 6 hours from the Keys and the Miami/Keys area is our favorite vacation spot.

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  2. Don’t overschedule. If you do, it won’t feel like a vacation. Do one day on, and one day off. Schedule something big on one day, and do a day at the beach the next day (or just sleep in).

    I was in Miami for a few days before my honeymoon as we were stuck there due to a hurricane. There is some awesome food and some nice nightclubs if you’re into that sort of thing. But, the beach was my favorite and just walking around taking it all in.

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  3. I like to research restaurants, shopping and whatnot ahead of time so I have some ideas of things I would like to do and then play it by ear. Exploring where we are is have the fun of vacation for me. Hi from SITS!

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  4. Hi Jamie, saw you on Sits. I follow you now.
    The vacation thing, its totally up to your personal taste. you can plan it or just be armed with information about things to do and make up your mind when you guys just get there. Sometimes there are hidden jewels that you find when you are just hangin out and not planning it.
    Good luck
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