Sunday Mornings

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When I was a kid we’d rush around the house getting ready for church while my mom yelled at me to turn off the cartoons and finish my cocoa pebbles. (Side note: Awesome cereal choice, Mom.)


Now, I play my Sunday mornings a little different. My husband and I decided long ago that in order to survive parenthood we each needed a sleep-in day. I take mine on Saturdays and he goes on Sunday. So, on Sundays I suck it up, wake up early and just hang out. That’s the key to awesome Sunday–no plans, just family.

I love that.

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  1. We go to church on sundays, but usually in the afternoon/evening, so we still get that chill out time in the morning.
    .-= nicole´s last blog ..A Word =-.

  2. First of all, you are interesting, and FUNNY! You can pull it off.

    Girlfriend, this topic is why only blog once a week. I’m just. not. that. interesting.

    I think the key is to be distinctive and to cultivate a unique flavor and brand. You do this, and you do it well.

    I’m still working on mine. Although, I have admit, I kinda love Scarlet Whisper, Librarian/Rock Star/International Jewel Thief. At least she’s interesting…
    .-= @jmartinlibrary´s last blog ..Contract Between Reader & Writer =-.

    1. @@jmartinlibrary, haha I kind of think that should be your blogging persona at all times. People everywhere would want to read THAT lady’s books. Also… got beatles rock band and it rocks my socks.