This Dude Figured Out the Names of the Four New Harry Potter Houses in “Fantastic Beasts”
Hey, I love Harry Potter Crafts so much that I wrote a book about them! My book, THE UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO CRAFTING THE WORLD OF HARRY POTTER IS AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BUY IT.
The Unofficial Guide to Crafting the World of Harry Potter: 30 Magical Crafts for Witches and Wizards from Pencil Wands to House Colors Tie-Dye Shirts
This book is full of charming Harry Potter crafts even Muggles can make!
You won’t need alchemy or a magic wand to make these magical projects inspired by the world of Harry Potter. With a little Hogwarts creativity and the step-by-step guidance of this spellbinding book, you’ll be able to transfigurate simple supplies and things around the house into everything from Remembrall Rings to Butterbeer Lip Balm to Nargles for your front lawn.
You’ll be as busy as Mrs. Weasley knitting her Christmas sweaters as you dive into dozens of Potterific projects. Relive the excitement of Harry’s adventures with these genius crafts. Drop some homemade Pgymy Puff Bath Fizzies into the tub and pretend you’re Moaning Myrtle. Keep memories of the Quidditch pitch close with your very own Golden Snitch Necklace. Or show off the Sorting Hat’s selection with a House Colors Tie-Dye Shirt.
Accio, crafting supplies–it’s time for some wonderful wizardly fun!
Want to buy the book? Click here!
And don’t worry the crafts in my book are totally different than the list below, so you will have TONS of HP craft-tastic goodies!
It’s a great day for Harry Potter fans on the internet: thanks to a website coding mistake, we might now know the names of the four new houses that are part of Ilvermorny – aka American Hogwarts – one of the settings of the franchise’s upcoming spin-off film “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” which is based on J.K. Rowling’s magical creature encyclopedia by the same name. My little fangirl heart is pretty damn happy right now.
According to software engineer Federico Ian Cervantez, the man who made the discovery after examining the source code of the sorting quizzes on the Pottermore website, the four houses are called Horned Serpent, Wampus, Thunderbird, and Pukwudgie. They certainly share the delightful quirkiness of all the other things that J.K. Rowling named in the Harry Potter universe, and would also fit in with the Native American theme that Rowling has described as being a big part of the history of the wizarding world located on the other side of the Atlantic. Now, there’s also been some speculation that these aren’t the names of the actual houses, but rather their mascots – you know, the same way Hogwarts has Gryffindor and Slytherin, not “Lion” and “Snake.” Either way, the information is just making me and all the other Potter fans out there even more excited for “Fantastic Beasts.”
Oh, and just to be clear, Cervantez didn’t go picking through the site’s source code specifically looking for info that he could spoil before the movie comes out: He was just trying to learn more about Machine Learning algorithms, an aspect of the code that was used in developing the Pottermore sorting quizzes. In case it wasn’t obvious from that sentence, the dude is totally a Ravenclaw.
The Unofficial Guide to Crafting the World of Harry Potter: 30 Magical Crafts for Witches and Wizards from Pencil Wands to House Colors Tie-Dye Shirts
Charming crafts even Muggles can make!
You won’t need alchemy or a magic wand to make these magical projects inspired by the world of Harry Potter. With a little Hogwarts creativity and the step-by-step guidance of this spellbinding book, you’ll be able to transfigurate simple supplies and things around the house into everything from Remembrall Rings to Butterbeer Lip Balm to Nargles for your front lawn.
You’ll be as busy as Mrs. Weasley knitting her Christmas sweaters as you dive into dozens of Potterific projects. Relive the excitement of Harry’s adventures with these genius crafts. Drop some homemade Pgymy Puff Bath Fizzies into the tub and pretend you’re Moaning Myrtle. Keep memories of the Quidditch pitch close with your very own Golden Snitch Necklace. Or show off the Sorting Hat’s selection with a House Colors Tie-Dye Shirt.
Accio, crafting supplies–it’s time for some wonderful wizardly fun!