Thousands of Tarantulas Have Been Spotted In The Bay Area Looking For Mates and My Skin is Crawling
This post definitely isn’t for the faint of heart. My Arachnaphobia is on full alert with this one!
If you have a fear of the ginormous, fuzzy spider, the Tarantula, you may want to avoid the San Francisco Bay Area right now.
Normal mating season for the Tarantula runs from August, into the first few weeks of fall. HOWEVER, it has been unusually warm and dry in San Francisco the last couple of weeks. The spiders couldn’t be happier!
Male spiders have been spotted in and around San Fransico, dancing and scurrying across roads in a last effort try to find their perfect mates — or ANY mates for that matter.
Once they find their desired mate, they must fight off any other male Tarantulas that wish to — eh hem — get down to business with the female.
If they win mating rights, they then try to seduce the female by knocking on her front door. The female’s burrow is covered by a web, so the male taps on that web, trying to get the female to come out.
If the female is interested, she comes out “to play.”
Now comes my favorite part! After the deed is done, the female will usually dig her fangs in and eat the male.
Hikers in the San Fransciso area have seen the furry creatures in abundance over the last couple weeks.
People say the Tarantulas are a friendly spider, but PLEASE, don’t test that theory. If you see one, just leave it alone, and let it do their business.
Want to see spiders that aren’t quite so scary? This spiderweb makeup is the creepy new trend, and you HAVE the check it out!