If You Were Born Before 1989 You Need Another Measles Vaccine. Yours Won’t Work
News regarding the Measles Outbreak has been all over the news recently and with good reason.

According to the CDC, Measles is highly contagious and spreads through coughing and sneezing.

Measles starts with fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat. It’s followed by a rash that spreads over the body.
Measles has serious and severe complications ranging from permanent brain damage to death.

Kids and the elderly are at the highest risk and experts are urging parents to get their kids vaccinated if they haven’t been already.

In the U.K., more than half a million British children are unvaccinated and in America, the problem seems to be even worse, with the U.S. suffering the worst outbreak of measles since the disease was all-but eradicated from the country in the early 2000s.

Aside from kids, if you or someone you know was born before 1989, they may need to receive a second Measles vaccine.

The current ‘MMR’ vaccination is a triple jab designed to inoculate against Measles, Mumps and Rubella.
But in the 1980s, the MMR was taking off as the first defense and many only received one jab. And, according to Gizmodo, even the MMR vaccine from the early 80s isn’t ‘perfectly effective.’

Therefore, anyone that was born before 1989 and received this single vaccine, may need to receive another to fully protect themselves.
If you’re uncertain whether or not you should receive a current MMR vaccine, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss.

You can also get a titer which identifies the amount of antibodies in a person’s blood and tells you whether or not you’ll need a second dose.
But medical professionals say that is kind of a waste of money, you are better off just getting a MMR vaccine. It’s not really that big of a deal to have one, and why go through more tests and such than is necessary.

With my husband being born in 1988, I plan to make him an appointment STAT to ensure he’s up to date and fully vaccinated.

And if you are someone who respects the opinion of the president, even he says you should vaccinate your kids:
If you have two documented doses of MMR, the CDC states that it counts a fully protected regardless of titers for measles and no need for further vaccination.
Guess I will be asking and making an appointment with the dr! No way will I take the risk of others getting sick because of my ignorance!
If this is true, then a huge percentage of the adult population is not protected from measles through their childhood vaccines. How does this line up with the propaganda being pushed that a small percentage of unvaccinated children are threatening herd immunity?
hell no. never!
everyone in my family has been
vaccine injured.
take the titer tests!
So there’s millions and millions of people unprotected… yet they’re all still alive eh ?….. interesting!?
Born 77 so I guess I need a update
I was born in 1956 do I need another measles vaccine
I was born in 1966 early cause I went to Germany where my dad was stationed so all my shots had to be dome between 6mos–2yrs old Should I get vaccines again
I had measles as a kid (born in 1953) & vacisnated after. Can I get them again?
I was born in 1949 and had vacination before I started in Grade 1. I also had the measles as a child. Do I need a further shot?
If you had measles as a kid, you have lifelong immunity and have no need for a vaccine.
but you might get a vaccine strain case if you get the shot.
it’s also a shot for pertussis and diptheria. the pertussis part is very toxic.
You got your vaccines mixed up. The MMR is measles, mumps, and rubella.
Correction above:
Who all is getting measles.