You Can Get A $5 Box Of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts When Their Hot Light Is On and I’m On Stand By
Krispy Kreme is having a deal for THIS WEEK ONLY, where you can get a dozen glazed doughnuts for $5 when the “Hot Now” light is on.
Mmmmmm. Doughnuts.
Without a doubt, my most FAVORITE doughnuts are Hot Krispy Kremes!
When I pass a Krispy Kreme location, and that “Hot Now” light is on, my car just automatically knows to turn into the parking lot!
You know what the “Hot Now” light is, right? Whenever a Krispy Kreme has that “Hot Now” light on, you can go in, and get your dozen doughnuts FRESH and HOT!!
Here’s a little secret — when that “Hot Now” light is on, they will usually give you a FREE hot glazed doughnut while you are standing in line!!
Now, you can ONLY get this deal with the “Hot Now” light is on, but the good news is, it doesn’t matter WHEN that glowing neon red sign is on.
If it’s in the middle of the afternoon, when you get off working the late shift, or on your way to school first thing in the morning — It Doesn’t Matter!!
So, if you see that light, make a beeline for the Krispy Kreme front door! You don’t want to miss out on a $5 box of original glazed doughnuts.
You can’t get this $5 deal with any other offers, so save that extra coupon you have for next week!!
Now, if you are lazy too busy, and can’t drive to check and see if the “Hot Now” light is on, just pull up that Krispy Kreme app on your phone.
It will tell you when your local Krispy Kreme has that Hot Light on!
How awesome is that?!?
Don’t forget, this awesome $5 deal is only good this week, so look for that “Hot Now” light, and get to your local Krispy Kreme fast!!