Bama Rush TikToks Are Back and This Year’s Videos Are Better Than Ever
If you need a little amusement in your life, say no more!
Bama Rush Season 2 is here and if you have no idea what that is, you’ve been missing out.
Last year we told you about #BamaRush on TikTok. It’s that time of year when all the Freshman girls at the University of Alabama go through the process of trying to earn a coveted spot at one of the Greek sororities on campus.
Now, Rush isn’t EXCLUSIVE to UA, but they take it to a whole new level.
And, because there is a God, a ton of the UA Rushees film the entire thing and post it on TikTok.
Grab your sweet iced tea or your Pumpkin Spice Latte, your Steven Madden shoes, Kendra Scott jewelry, put on your cutest Shein dress, and let’s talk everything #BamaRush!

First of all, dudes also go through rush to join their fraternities. But they don’t take things next level, like the wannabe sorority sisters.
#BamaRush on TikTok is all about the sororities, so let’s stick with that for now.
There is really nothing big and life changing about these TikTok #BamaRush videos. They are just basic videos.

But, put them all together, and you will find yourself routing for your favorite Alabama Rushees. You’ll get sucked into the world of Rush bags, Rush outfits, the Rush parties and events, and the competition of it all.
It’s like a little reality show, 30 seconds at a time, and you just. can’t. look. away!!

What Happens During Rush At The University Of Alabama?
Now, if you get sucked into the world of #BamaRush on TikTok, you might find yourself wondering “WTF did I just watch for the last 2 hours?”
At the University of Alabama, this tightly choreographed series of events commences about a week before school begins: Freshmen women move into their dorms early in the hopes of securing a “bid” from one of the university’s 17 participating sorority chapters.
The New York Times
The first important thing you need to know is that each sorority has its own traditions (they even have sorority “secrets” that “sisters” aren’t allowed to divulge), histories, and philanthropic causes, and the members of each sorority are VERY dedicated to each.
There are FOUR different phases to Rush Week. (Yeah, I didn’t know this until I started obsessing over #BamaRush).
The potential new members (PNMs) must participate in EVERY SINGLE part of the process in order to “bid” for a sorority.
What Are The 4 Different Phases Of “Rush Week?”
First there is an Open House at each sorority. During this time, the freshmen go around to the different houses, and sort of check them all out.
They get to know the “sisters” and see what the sororities are like.
Next, there is the all-important Philanthropy Day. This is a time when PNMs find out about each sorority chapters’ volunteer work — the cause that is near and dear to the hearts of all the members.
Then, the PNMs go through the Sisterhood Round. At this time, the PNMs are paired with different sorority members in the houses they are interested in joining — a sort of intimate get-to-know-you time. This is closely monitored by the powers that be in the house.
The last step is to attend Preference Night. This is where the PNMs choose their TWO favorite sorority houses, and go visit them.
The entire Rush Week culminates with Bid Day.
What Is Bid Day?
This is the last Sunday of Rush Week. It is when the PNMs eagerly wait to find out if they get “bids” from their favorite sorority.

If you get a “bid,” you are invited to become a sister of that sorority. If you don’t get a “bid” — well, your college experience is going to be just a bit different than you hoped. No sorority for you.
[In 2021] 2,501 women attended Open House events — 2,307 of them ended up with a bid at the end (that’s a 92 percent success rate).
The New York Times
Man, that would REALLY suck if you went through the entire process, and then DIDN’T get an invitation to join a house! I feel hella bad for the 8% of girls that didn’t get a bid.

What Is The Deal With PNMs Caring So Much About What They Are Wearing?
MOST of the #BamaRush videos on TikTok are about the outfits that the girls are wearing to each of the Rush Week events.
I mean, if I could live in sweatpants and a t-shirt, I would. But, not these girls! Oh, nay-nay!!
There is an actual dress code for every single Rush Week event. It is VERY important that the PNMs have planned out what they will wear to each event.
Each sorority is VERY hush-hush about exactly what happens at each event, the PNMs are NOT allowed to share their experiences. However, they CAN totally talk about what outfits they are wearing.
And, talk about those outfits they DEFINITELY do! These OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) videos rack up MILLIONS of views on TikTok.

The girls will detail EXACTLY what they are wearing, from the brand of clothing they are wearing, to the type of shoes and makeup they are wearing, where their purses came from, and even to the earrings they borrowed from a friend.
These videos may sound mundane and boring. But, Lordy Bee (an expression straight out of Alabama), these girls throw on their most southern accents, their cutest clothes, and their most poppin’ personalities. It’s simply addicting.
So, sit back and get ready!! It’s time for #BamaRush Season 2, and I can’t wait!!