Dear Everyone, Bullying Needs To Stop. It’s Not Okay.
Bullying. We can’t go a day without hearing stories of kids bullying kids, teachers bullying students, students bullying teachers, parents bullying other parents, and my favorite, the trolls on the internet who get to hide themselves safely behind their keyboards to make their snide, rude, even mean comments in secret.
It has somehow become more acceptable, to some people, for bullying to be the norm. We focus much money and attention on anti-bullying campaigns, yet we see more bullying than ever.
Even worse than the bullying, are the effects that it causes. We see people mocking shows and programs that try to demystify bullying. These shows try to demonstrate the damage and hurt caused by bullying. Mocking these programs is not funny. It is not okay.
There are some bullies that reach an almost god-like cult status following among their peers or followers. There are entire Facebook groups dedicated to bullying! They glorify and glamorize the despicable, grave harm they cause people, and the devastating damage for which their bullying is responsible. This has to stop.
I read an article today that was an actual screenshot of a message to a lady — a GROWN lady. It said something to the effect of: I hope you put a bullet in your head and die. How dare you try to — It does not matter what this lady tried to do.
BULLYING IS NEVER OKAY … let me make this very clear … BULLYING IS NEVER OKAY.
What goes through the brains of these psycho bullies that allows them to justify their actions of damage, hurt, and despair?
Maybe they fall into one of these categories:
1) They have a miserable life, so they try to make it better by making others feel awful. Oh, doesn’t it feel good to tell someone they are ugly, not talented, fat, and basic? Oh! That will make they bully’s life just so, so much happier! They will wake up tomorrow, and their crappy life will be all unicorns and fairies, because they passed their miserable life and attitude on to somebody else.
2) They were bullied, so they are just paying it forward. I know. They were not popular in school. They remember how bad it felt when someone made fun of them. By all means, make someone else hate themselves! That will give the bully a green light to become popular. People will now love them.
3) They are a douche who gets high off the attention. Somebody said their name out loud on a live stream! They were famous for 2.5 seconds. Who cares that they had to step on someone, hurt them, and crush them to get there! The bully feels powerful with their hate speech and slander.
4) Their parents never taught them any better. That totally makes it okay. They can be an asshole adult. They have an excuse right? Hurt away, without regard for anybody but themselves.
5) They are superior in every way, to everyone, therefore it’s okay. They are right. They are a god. Nobody knows who the hell they really are, or even what they look like. But, that’s alright, right? They keep telling themselves they are King Bully.
6) I’ve also heard people straight-up bully someone, then soften the blow with, “Oh, I’m just kidding.” No they weren’t. There was absolutely no reason to say something hateful in the first place. Passive-aggressiveness is still bullying.
It comes down to this: Bullies are weak. They usually lead terrible lives, and they are trying to make everyone as miserable as THEY are. They sometimes think people won’t find out who they are, so, in their minds, it’s okay to be an ass. But, they are weak.
If you are the victim of bullying, just stop and think. This person doing the bullying is weak and miserable.
You are strong. You are worthy of good. You are loved by someone. You are a warrior, and you can stand up to this weak excuse of a human. You will persevere. Just make sure you don’t turn around, and become a bully yourself. You’re better than that.