You Can Snag a Free Italian Ice from Rita’s to Celebrate Spring. Here’s How.
There’s nothing quite more beautiful than a sunset after 7 p.m., except maybe a colorful Italian Ice from Rita’s.
Just kidding, there’s absolutely nothing more gorgeous than a colorful sky after 7 but Rita’s Italian Ice, is a close second.

And just like the night sky that’s sometimes filled with colors like orange and red, Rita’s Italian Ice is combining sunsets after seven and free Italian Ice!

That’s right, pretty soon you could be slurping on an ice cold Ice while watching the sun paint the sky with colors that are just as bright as your after dinner indulgence.
So the question is, when can you snag a free Ice from Rita’s?

The dessert giant will be handing out free Icees on the first day of spring!
And considering the start of the spring season doesn’t start without a free Ice in hand, here’s your official excuse to have dessert for dinner so it guarantees you get there while watching the sun go down.

We only wish Rita’s gave out free Icees everyday of the year but for 31 years, the food chain has handed out free flavors to celebrate the beginning of spring and for that, we say thank you!
Rita’s free Ice giveaway starts and ends on March 20 until the shop closes.

So go ahead and mark your calendars so you don’t miss this date.
And if you want my advice, try and get there early because every year a long line wraps around the building, and no one wants to start the beginning of spring without the official sweet treat of spring.

And if Rita’s Italian Ice has always been your guilty pleasure of choice, you can download the app to win free Italian Ice for a year, 365 days, and a bucketload of sweet memories!

Now the hard part will be deciding which free flavor to take home.
My go-to, is chocolate chip because you can never go wrong with chocolate.