Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Isn’t Nearly as Cool As Pokémon Go

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I have been waiting years for a good Harry Potter game to be released and I was so excited when Harry Potter: Wizards Unite was announced.

The hype made it seem as if it was another Pokemon Go (which I completely still play every day) but to be quite honest, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Isn’t Nearly as Cool As Pokémon Go and Here’s Why…

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Isn’t Nearly as Cool As Pokémon Go

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite was released a day sooner than the original release day and since then people have been giving it a shot. I know I did but here’s the thing – the game does not have that excitement and spark like Pokémon Go which is sad considering it’s freaking HARRY POTTER themed.


And I am not the only one that feels that way.

In fact, DFC Intelligence agency came to a similar conclusion…

The firm had their researchers go to Pokémon GO hot spots in LA (which the Harry Potter game should work at as well) and found pretty much nobody playing the HP game.


Sure, you could argue that the game has only been out a few days and still needs time to become popular but even at this early stage, Pokémon GO had major hype.

Heck, I can’t even go to my local parks without seeing people walking around hatching eggs or people in their car’s battling the gym (yes, even my parents of kids at my son’s school are playing).

Here was the statement DFC Intelligence made about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite:

DFC actually had trouble getting users to test Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Most of our regular video game testers were simply not that excited about the game. It was quickly dismissed as Pokémon Go with Harry Potter characters. We ended up also reaching out to fans of Harry Potter who were not really into video games in the first place…

On a beautiful Sunday on June 23, we went to the prime Pokémon Go spots in the downtown area of San Diego. During weekends in Balboa Park, home of the San Diego Zoo, it was often hard to walk because of the crowds of Pokémon Go players.

In Balboa Park, we found exactly one other Harry Potter: Wizards Unite player.

Across multiple locations, we visited that, was it. Furthermore, we couldn’t engage that player because the game crashed. On top of not really offering anything new, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is extremely slow and buggy at launch. The game was also extremely aggressive in trying to monetize users. Not a good thing on a product that buggy.

Honestly, they are RIGHT and nailed my exact issues with this game.


For starters, the game is quite buggy. I found my app crashed a few times while trying to get my basics set up.


Also, the user face where you trace lines for spells is a big buggy and hard to do with some of the more complicated spells. And some of the features just stop working or freeze.

To me, the biggest issue lies with the “making sense” of this game part.

With Pokémon GO, you are seeking Pokémon out in the wild which makes sense seeing a Magikarp near water or a Bulbasaur out in a field of grass. I mean, the original games we played on GameBoy was exactly that way.

But going out into the world to find “foundables” aka “magical artifacts, creatures, people, and even memories” doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.

Obviously, I am a Harry Potter fan and I love the idea behind a game but I just don’t seem to have that passion behind a mobile game for HP like I do with Pokémon.

Hmm, maybe if I could watch to hatch dragon or owl eggs or something…


Not to mention, my kids still love and play Pokémon and that has become a family affair each night, heading out to get some exercise while catching some Pokémon and getting some Poké stops. I just don’t see the same thing happening with this game.

Overall, the game is cool if you are an overall hardcore gamer and have enjoyed playing Pokémon Go because quite honestly, it’s almost the exact same but with different collectibles and achievements.

And yes, it is made by Niantic the same developers as the Pokémon Go app.

It’s worth giving it a go but for now, I’ll stick with playing Pokémon Go because I gotta catch ’em all!


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