Here’s The Guidelines Disney World Will Need To Follow In Order To Reopen
We don’t know WHEN it’s going to happen, but we know HOW it’s going to happen.

A task force in Florida has determined, what they consider, is the best way to open Disney World, and other entertainment venues in the state.

The group shared their initial report on Tuesday and included reopening rules for restaurants, movie theaters, hotels and other closed businesses.
Yahoo Entertainment
Disney World is going to operate on a two-phase system. The FIRST phase will consist of opening the parks at 50% capacity.
When it is deemed safe, they will move to the SECOND phase, which has the parks running at 75% capacity.

All Disney employees must wear masks, and they will have their temperature taken before they are allowed into work. Anyone with a fever over 100.4 will be sent home for the day.
For guests 65 years or older, and all at-risk people, it will be suggested and encouraged that they stay home until the threat of coronavirus has been eradicated.
The parks also have to stay consistent and frequent in cleaning touchable surfaces, including railings. It’s all about sanitizing, and keeping the guests and employees as safe as possible.

The task force RECOMMENDS that markers be set up in the ride queues, reminding guests to maintain a distance of 6 ft between the people in front of and behind them.

We still don’t have a time frame for when the Parks might open. This task force, made up of 44 people in the state of Florida, is working diligently to try and do the next right thing during this unprecedented time.
When we know more, we will pass the information on to you. But, for now, you have GOT to try this Grilled Cheese Sandwich recipe from Toy Story Land at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Disney released the recipe, and Oh. My. Gosh!