It’s Okay To Work Really, Really Hard
The thing about my job is that I spend a lot of time in random places writing on my phone or my iPad, maybe sitting in the corner of a random diner, or on the bench at a park… the point is that my job looks like a lot of other people’s leisure time, but that doesn’t mean I am not working.
And I sometimes wonder if I didn’t design my job to look like that. Like I was never ever working when I was secretly always solving a problem, or writing a story, or doing what the heck ever this here blog needs at the moment. It makes me have to wonder why.
I think that’s a part of the gig, if you live your whole life online it’s supposed to be exciting and fun, but there’s also a large amount of spreadsheets and deadlines involved that I never really talk too much about.
It’s not that I don’t want to talk about them, it’s that they’re really only exciting to me and like three people. (Thank god for those three people. You know who you are, what would I do without you?)
But anyway, the point is.. it’s not only that people don’t want to hear about it, it’s that for some reason, we are embarrassed to admit how hard we work. A friend actually said the other day, “Yeah, I work a lot, but I just really like money,” and then everyone sort of looked at her. And what’s so wrong with working a lot for the things in your life?
I think there’s such an emphasis these days on the soft life, and reducing the hustle, that sometimes we forget that there’s a real joy in the grind and in watching something grow. I know that one of my favorite things about starting anything from scratch is when it becomes literally anything but nothing, so why not celebrate that.
So, soft life be damned. Let’s work a little…