
It’s Important To Keep Your Vaccination Card Safe And Secure Because You Are Going To Need It

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We recently told you that you can get your vaccination card laminated for FREE at Staples and at Office Depot.

There is a reason you want to keep that vaccination card so protected and safe.

Move over iPhone — that little vaccination card just might be your most valuable accessory this summer.

There are places, like Krispy Kreme, that are going to give you free things for bringing that card with you wherever you go.

Then, there are places, like some sports venues and cruise lines, that are going to require you to bring your vaccination card with you, to prove you have been innoculated against COVID.

You would think, since most EVERYTHING is stored in computer databases these days, that COVID vaccination records would be easily accessed through electronic means.

But, sadly, they aren’t.

That little vaccination record — the paper one that shows your name, the date of your vaccination, the name of the vaccine you recieved, and the one that has the CDC logo in the upper right corner — is your only proof of vaccination.

If you lose your card, you should return to the place you received your vaccination and ask for a replacement. 


If you do not receive a COVID-19 vaccination card at your appointment, contact the vaccination provider site where you got vaccinated or your state health department to find out how you can get a card.


“If you need a replacement card and either can’t remember where you were vaccinated or have difficulty contacting the facility,” the CDC does have a record of the IIS (Immunization Information System) by state.

So you should start there if you need a copy of your vaccine record, but can’t reach the facility where you received your vaccine.

Now, while keeping track of that vaccination record is of utmost importance, HOW you keep up with it is up to you.

But of course, we have a few suggestions for you.

Ideas For Keeping Up With Your Vaccine Record

Take A Picture Of The Vaccination Record — This is something I do with ALL my most important documents.

That’s right, I just use my iPhone, and take a picture of the item.

That way you have SOME proof that the record exists.

Make A Photocopy of the Vaccination Record — Just go get a copy made with a copy machine.

It’s just like taking a photo with a phone, but it isn’t a digital record — you actually have a PHYSICAL copy to keep with you.

Get A Digital Backup Of Your Vaccination Card — If you get your vaccine at a pharmacy, ask for a digital backup of your card.

This way, you can access it at any point through their website.

Then, of course, you can Make A Copy Of Your Vaccination Card, And Get It Laminated.

Don’t forget that there are several office supply stores that will do this for FREE.

Now, hopefully soon we will be able to access ALL COVID vaccination records electronically.

For now, it is up to you to keep up with that record.

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