One Month…
Okay, so the goal was to blog every day for a month. Did I make it?
Um, almost. 🙂
Ha! How classically Jamie* is that to blog every freakin’ day and then to NOT do it two days before the month was over.
But, I’ve been thinking about the weekend blogging. Here’s the thing. I don’t actually like it. No one is really reading blogs, everyone is off doing super exciting family things, and they don’t have time to listen to my ramblings.
But–I have two pretty cool features planned for the weekends. I was going to do a thing where I talk about products that changed my life, and then I was going to do book reviews. Crap. So, now what? Well… I have a plan.
I’m sure you’re not all that interested in the plan, but I feel like if I I blog it, then I am at least making a blogging commitment, right?
So, I am going to use my Fridays for that fun stuff. Which is totally awesome, because I usually run out of fun stuff to say by Friday anyway.
Now, as promised I am only making blogging goals one month at a time– so here’s the official February blogging goal:
I will blog ever weekday, with a super cool feature on Fridays in which I alternate talking about books I love (I am not really in the business of author bashing around here–so instead of insulting books I will just not review the ones I don’t love) and products I can’t live without.
That’s not a bad goal… and hey this month is super short, right?
This is why I only blog once a week.
You didn’t meet your goal?
We love you anyway.
.-= jmartinlibrarian´s last blog ..Myth Mania =-.
I dont stick to mine, but if you start by sticking to it and get in the groove, then you stray but you will always have something to go back to.
Its something on my list of things to impliment.
I think another important thing is user interaction. You always want to write more when you have more readers, its just human nature. The whole blogging community thing is something i haven’t gotten into yet because it seems I can’t find anyone interested in what I have to say!! Lovely!
.-= Lindsay´s last blog ..Playing Catchup =-.
I had made a similar commitment that i have yet to keep. My goal is to blog three times a week.. It;s definitely easier to have a preplanned blogging schedule.. So monday just ramble, tuesday post pictures of the weekend, friday post your giveaway.. then don’t strictly keep to it and go off the cuff.. But at least this way if you have a schedule you have something to write about if you cant think of anything.
Good luck with everything.. I’m def. a new follower!
.-= Lindsay´s last blog ..Playing Catchup =-.
@Lindsay, I think you’re right about the schedule thing… but don’t totally stick to it, then at least you’re not sitting around with NO clue what to write about…
LOVE the blog!
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