People Are Finding Secret Compartments In Their Cars That Charge Their Key Fobs
My mind is BLOWN!

People are so smart and I don’t know what I’d do without TikTok at this point because I’ve learned so much over there.

If you happen to have a key fob for your car, you know that the worst possible situation is when it dies. Like how will you start your car then?

Especially when it comes to push to start engines, good luck starting your car if your key fob is dead (unless you have one that has a key inside it).
Well, people have found a crazy cool hack. Apparently, People Are Finding Secret Compartments In Their Cars That Charge Their Key Fobs!!

Apparently, if you open your glove compartment in your car and look on the left side, you’ll see a box that is the side of your key fob.
It may be covered by a silicone mat but apparently, you just stick your key fob in there and it will allow you to start your car (and also charge your key fob).

Keep in mind not all cars will have this feature and not all cars will charge the key fob (some will just let you start your car).
But nonetheless, this is a cool trick and I had no idea cars even had this!

Yeah no, its just for starting your car/storing your key for the drive. 99% of vehicles with key fobs do not charge they key fob when insterting into the slot. 99% of all fobs are powered by a watch atter