A Spacecraft Skimmed By The Sun And Got The Most Amazing Photos Ever
As a photographer, this is only a dream for me, there is no way I could ever capture an image of the Sun like the ones I’m going show you.

No one could from Earth, however, a spacecraft cruised on by the Sun and was able to capture it in all of its fiery glory!
The Solar Orbiter belongs to the European Space Agency and on March 7th it used an Extreme Ultraviolet Imager from 46.6 million miles from the Sun to get the images.
To create this one image they needed 25 images to capture it, each image needed about a 10 minute exposure time before moving on to the next.
Then they were able to use these 25 different images and create one magnificent image of the Sun.
I am in total awe over how beautiful it is, look at all of those glorious details!
They also used a device referred to as SPICE to collect more data on the Sun.
They learned that the hottest temperatures of the Sun are actually farther out from the surface Sun, which seems weird, but super interesting.
The Solar Orbiter was launched a little over 2 years ago so that they get measurements of the Sun and learn more about the solar eruptions and how this affects Earth with geomagnetic storms.

Next year the Solar Orbiter will cruise by the Sun significantly closer and I can not wait to see those images!
You can actually download the high-resolution image at the ESA website.