Starbucks Will Be Handing Out Their Free ‘Red Cups’ Next Week! Here’s What We Know.
If you were around for the Red Cup Day at Starbucks last year, get ready for fun chaos round two!
If you aren’t aware of what the Red Cup Day is, it’s held every year on the day of the Starbucks Christmas Launch! If you purchase a holiday drink, you get a free hot reusable cup!
The fall holiday drinks don’t count, so you can’t get the Pumpkin Spice Latte and expect a cup. It’s only for the Christmas drinks!
Last year, the cup was ABSOLUTELY adorable with an ugly sweater plan. Unfortunately, Starbucks is keeping their cup this year locked away until launch date, so the design hasn’t been spotted yet!
So get your running shoes on, and get ready to get some free cups next Thursday during the launch! And get some great new Holiday Merchandise while you’re at it!
What’s the actual launch date?
So is the launch everywhere on Thursday November 4th? Some places are saying the latch is Sunday November 7th.