Starbucks Just Released A Unicorn Cake Pop Filled With Confetti Cake And It Is Pure Magic
Have I mentioned that I love Starbucks? Their innovations just rock my world. Not only did they just come back with the S’mores Frappuccino, but now they have a Unicorn Cake Pop too!

Talk about magical! Now, if only they would bring back the Unicorn Frappuccino too!
I am most definitely going up there to get some today. I have two little ones who both LOVE unicorns so this is definitely going to be a treat for them!
Yes, we had a unicorn smash cake which was the BOMB! But back to the cake pop!
The Unicorn Cake Pop has vanilla cake inside with confetti sprinkles and is shaped into a Unicorn with a white chocolate glaze on the outside. It’s too cute to not buy at least ten of them!
It would also be the best time to have a unicorn themed party and have these as appetizers. I mean, why not?
Make sure when you stop by, to give our Secret Menu S’mores Cold Brew a try, and keep your eye out for those Limited Edition Color-Changing Confetti Cups!
What are you most excited to buy this launch? Let us know in the comments below! For me, it’s definitely this cake pop, and the Confetti Cups!