You Can Tape Candy Onto Bamboo Skewers And Stick Them In Your Yard For Trick-or-Treaters This Halloween
It seems like so many individuals are putting their brains together to come up with unique ways to save trick-or-treating for the kids and I love it!

First, there was the candy slide. Then, we have parents placing purple pumpkins out in their front yards, someone even created a ghost zipline to hand candy out to kids.

And now, someone else created a genius way for trick or treaters to get their candy this year.

It’s called “candy sticking” and the genius behind the idea is Ms. Wendy Winter and please, pat yourself on the back because this idea is so neat!

As she quotes, she came up with the idea to decorate her yard covering the entire front yard with candy, “Willy Wonka style.”

Using Bamboo skewers, each individually wrapped candy is taped onto the stick and placed into the ground.

This gives kids the ability to still pick their favorite candy on Halloween night while also social distancing, staying safe and keeping the fun that is trick-or-treating.

Plus, the yard looks incredibly festive! I think this should be a Halloween tradition every year; as I kid I would think this way of trick-or-treating would be much more fun rather than just picking from a bowl ever year.

It’s an inexpensive way to #saveHalloween and if you have a porch, you can also sit outside and wave to trick or treaters to wish them a very Happy Halloween!
So now kids are running around in the DARK with skewers that can go through the skin, ribs internal organs? Oh my hell, just hand the kids the candy! ?
Your local E.R. Staff will Not thank you after the little monsters start sticking each other with the skewers. And don’t kid yourself, it will happen, those things can easily part flesh, pointy end or not. Take it from this old Paramedic.
My thoughts exactly! The concept is super cute but kids are clumsy and skewers can absolutely break the skin!
If the parents were smart enough they’d take the skewers away
Yep they’ll use them like lil swords and pretend stab each other, accidents can result. Cute idea but I’d say to parents/ chaperones to remove sticks immediately