
This Cake Artist Turns Boring Cakes Into Works of Art and It Is Mesmerizing

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File this away in the things I think are cool, but I could never do.

These start out as simple cakes, but they are quickly turned into works of art.

I could *MAYBE* do a simple swirl on a cake, but the completed cake definitely takes a cake artist — which I am not.

I could cut the hell out of a round cake — though, don’t expect me to cut it straight — but the final outcome? Nope.

They start out looking so basic and easy. You soon see, however, that they are ANYTHING but basic.

I love to WATCH the cakes being made. There is just something so satisfying about watching a master work.

This cake artist makes it look so easy. My cake would be a HOT MESS. It would be on Pinterest as a fail, for sure.

My daughter would ABSOLUTELY love this pretty pink cake. She would also love it if I didn’t attempt it. Ha!

How cute is this blue little cake?!? It turns into a Peppa Pig playground! I want it.

Watch the awesome video below. If you try your hand at one of these designs, you better post the picture. I want to see it!


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