It’s Time to Give a Possession Away!

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And the Winner!!
In case you missed my post on Friday, this is Elana Johnson’s launch week! And to celebrate, of course we’re giving stuff away!


I’ve teamed up with some awesome writer/bloggers and here’s what we have in store for you:
And today *I’m* hosting the giveaway for two–yes, TWO–of those signed copies. Here’s how this works.
Leave a comment on this blog post by 11:59 pm, PDT today, and you’re entered to win a signed copy of POSSESSION. If you aren’t sure what to say, you could answer this question: What is the one luxury you would refuse to give up if the government tried to ban it and take it away? I’ll post the winner on Friday, June 10th. 

BUT WAIT, THERE IS MORE: We’re giving away ANOTHER signed copy of POSSESSION on Twitter! Sometime today (probably, say, between 9:00 and 10:00 pm, MST) I’m going to hop on over to Twitter, and I’m going to be looking for people who are using the hashtag: #taggedPOSSESSION. If I happen to see YOU using the hashtag, you might win! And it can’t hurt to use the hashtag all day, yanno 😉

Meanwhile…if you’re still not fully aware of how awesome this book is, here’s a little Jamietastic video I did for it… (And ask yourselves this–would I humiliate myself like this if I didn’t REALLY love the book?)


Good luck in the contest!

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  1. Hmmm… probably chocolate. Or zombies. I don’t know what I’d do without zombies.

  2. I’m so bummed I missed out on this. but i’ll leave my answer anyway cause this was a fantastic question. I’d refuse to give up my Gillette Venus Razor. Yep. Seriously. I’d threaten to blind them with my legs and armpits if they tried. 😉

  3. I’m guessing this is US only. i live in Canada. If it’s open to Canada please include me. i’m dying to read this (even if it’s not autographed).

    I would not be happy without books!

  4. Couldn’t give up my fur-babies!

  5. What is the one luxury you would refuse to give up if the government tried to ban it and take it away?

    I’d have to say reading. Books allow reader’s to escape reality for a short period of time, that’s a luxury I’d never want to give up. I love books far too much!

  6. The book sounds amazing!

    I agree with many of the others. I would be really upset if books were banned and I would break that rule.

  7. Definitely my laptop (with internet)! I can live without a cellphone, T.V., iPod, etc. Just don’t take my laptop away from me!


  8. I would be so upset if the government banned books. I need my daily escape and books are my escape of choice.

  9. Like many here I would never, ever give up books. Or the internet! The first is my ultimate luxury, and the second allows me the luxury of connecting with people everywhere, instantly!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!


  10. I would die without my internet connection, seriously, it’s my lifeline 🙂 I live pretty far away from my family and friends and I keep in touch with everyone from my computer, I’d be lost without it. Thanks for the amazing giveaway, crossing fingers


  11. I REALLY want to read this book! It sounds so good, and Elana Johnson is such a nice person.

    Hmmm… what would I not want to give up? Probably the luxury of internet, the connections it gives me, the information, the people I can talk to… If the government tried to ban internet I’d be really unhappy.

  12. That is a seriously tough question! There are a lot of things I would fight for, and fight hard, but the thing I’d lay down for is my family. In the end, the rest is all expendable 🙂

  13. I could not live without my hubby and kids. I would do anything to make sure the government never took them from me. And I would do anything to make sure they weren’t tagged either.

    I so want a signed copy of Possession!